Cruising Tip 57: Cruise Money Saving Tips Part 3

Celebrity Cruises coming into Dominica

Celebrity Cruises coming into Dominica

Gary Bembridge author of “The Cruise Traveler’s Handbook” provides another 60-Second Cruise Tip. For more visit and subscribe free to the podcast on iTunes, Stitcher Radio and TuneIn Radio

Another 6 Money Saving Tips

I am always asked how cruisers can save money on board. You can be sure that the line will be working hard to get you to spend money and you need to budget and ensure you monitor and track your spending.

The following are another six tips on savings to help you stay within budget:

  1. Do not sign up for premium events like art classes, wine tastings, cocktail making and flower arranging. They can be costly!
  2. Take your own photographs while boarding and on formal nights rather than buying the costly cruise line ones.
  3. Do not buy the special cocktails and champagne on offer at sail- away parties as these are usually at a premium.
  4. Avoid using the Internet on board and rely on free Wi-Fi in ports. Ask the crew or follow where they go, as they will know where the closest free ones are.
  5. Try not to use your mobile phone on board and disable data roaming to avoid receiving a significant bill on return home.
  6. Use the complimentary laundry rooms. You may need to bring or buy washing powder to use in them.

Get more of my money saving tips in other episodes

Check out this episode!

Gary Bembridge

In 2005, I launched Tips for Travellers to make it easy and fun for people to discover, plan and enjoy incredible cruise vacations based on my first-hand advice and tips from going on well over 100 and counting cruises. I have most subscribed to cruise-focused vlogger channel on YouTube.

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