Hotels and making you feel welcome. Especially if you stay there a lot……

Anyone who knows me, or reads this blog, knows that I spend a lot of time in Paris and stay at many hotels there – and at the Pullman Rive Gauche (Issy Les Moulineaux) a great deal..

I always moan about the hotel (mostly about the way they treat even the most regular customer like me, for example asking if you stayed there before, making you fill out your address every time like it is the 1st time etc). Now they even have a machine check you in and out. In recent stays I have not even been spoken to by any member of staff the whole time I have been there.

I recently compared that to Meridien who use their computer systems and your loyalty card to recognise you and your tastes. A simple IT tool…and it makes all the difference as when you check in you feel that they know you and actually can be bothered to take the time to understand you.

I was even more impressed at a recent stay last week at the massive Concorde Lafayette hotel. Not only are they revamping the hotel and rooms but both on checking in and checking out senior staff (sales on arrival and duty manager when checking out) were called and told me how my custom was valued, how I liked the new rooms and suggestions etc. They really made you feel important. I assume they both knew my record and number of stays at the chain but also the volume the company puts through. Again easy IT things that can trigger and guide front facing staff.

I was impressed. It makes we want to stay there. And I will (they also were cheaper by the way too!!!).

I am back there this week, and so will be interesting to see how I get treated this time!


When I checked into the Concorde Lafayette today, the chap on reception greeted me warmly and told me they had been expecting me – and had spoken about me arriving in their pre-shift briefing…..

The assistant manager came out to welcome me and she had remembered me and the discussion I had about a leak. She told me they had fixed it and given me a room they thought I would like.

A slight feeling of being a celebrity. I like it. They will get my almost weekly visits to Paris…. And they are a great price too…….

Gary Bembridge

In 2005, I launched Tips for Travellers to make it easy and fun for people to discover, plan and enjoy incredible cruise vacations based on my first-hand advice and tips from going on well over 100 and counting cruises. I have most subscribed to cruise-focused vlogger channel on YouTube.

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