Most Popular Tips For Travellers August 2018

What tips for travellers were people most interested in August 2018?

My videos had a record month with over 710,000 views (and 2.9 million minutes watched, that’s an average watch time per view of four minutes and six seconds) on my Tips For Travellers YouTube channel. If you have not already please subscribe and get alerted every week when a new video of tips and advice to help make the most of your travel time and money on land and sea is released.

Here are the most tips for travellers videos watched in August

#1 Cabins To Avoid (released January 2018). All-time views 1,260,060

#2 Cruises to Avoid (released November 2017). All-time views 442,151

#3 Alaska Cruise Watch-outs (released July 2018). All-time views 58,685

#4 Cunard Transatlantic Tips (released February 2018). All-time views 67,203

#5 Princess Cruises Tips (released June 2017). All-time views 338,866


“Amusing” and Troilling Comments

Here are some of my “favourite” trolling comments from this month…

I would love for you to follow and check out my tips for travellers videos and tips. The channel (where you can subscribe for free of course is):

Gary Bembridge

In 2005, I launched Tips for Travellers to make it easy and fun for people to discover, plan and enjoy incredible cruise vacations based on my first-hand advice and tips from going on well over 100 and counting cruises. I have most subscribed to cruise-focused vlogger channel on YouTube.

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