See #FiatAtSea escorting MSC Divina into Miami. The Italians arrive with style!

MSC Divian glides gracefully into Miami, while a clutch of Fiat 500 cars buzzed around her in the water

MSC Divina glides gracefully into Miami, while a clutch of Fiat 500 cars buzzed around her in the water

Early in the morning I joined the press clinging along the banks of the passageway into Miami to take photos and videos of the MSC Divina arriving at her new year-round home. From here she will be sailing around the Caribbean.

Italians being Italians they had to ensure they arrived with style. As the ship loomed into view with the morning sun behind her, we all struggled to set our cameras to deal with the light. Suddenly a buzz started among the waiting camera crews. We could make out little wafts and sprays of water zipping and zooming around the hull of the ship. Suddenly they broke away from the ship and headed towards us. They were a clutch of Fiat 500 cars speeding over the water! The iconic Italian cars were escorting the MSC Divina into her new home. Announcing that the Italians were arriving.

We all struggled then to decide what to watch. The grand new white ship gently drifting into her new home or the buzzing and playful Fiat 500s darting around in front of us. Both were magical. The Italians did it with style. As they always to. Now how can we get a ride on those cars…..?

#FiatAtSea Fiat 500s racing around the MSC DIvina in Miami

#FiatAtSea Fiat 500s racing around the MSC DIvina in Miami

#FiatAtSea Fiat 500s racing around the MSC DIvina in Miami

#FiatAtSea Fiat 500s racing around the MSC DIvina in Miami

#FiatAtSea Fiat 500s racing around the MSC DIvina in Miami

#FiatAtSea Fiat 500s racing around the MSC DIvina in Miami

#FiatAtSea Fiat 500s racing around the MSC DIvina in Miami

#FiatAtSea Fiat 500s racing around the MSC DIvina in Miami

Press photographers, MSC Divina and Fiat 500 #FiatAtSea Miami - trying to decide what was best to focus on taking pictures of!

Press photographers, MSC Divina and Fiat 500 #FiatAtSea Miami – trying to decide what was best to focus on taking pictures of!


See my photo essay of the arrival of the MSC Divina into Port Miami as I take a look at the people reporting on her arrival and how they reacted to the ship. Also see and read more about the MSC Divina on the Tips for Travellers MSC Divina page




Gary Bembridge

In 2005, I launched Tips for Travellers to make it easy and fun for people to discover, plan and enjoy incredible cruise vacations based on my first-hand advice and tips from going on well over 100 and counting cruises. I have most subscribed to cruise-focused vlogger channel on YouTube.

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