Audio Podcast Episode 88: What exactly does a cruise director / entertainment director on a ship do?

Ray Rouse. Cunard Entertainment Director

Ray Rouse. Cunard Entertainment Director

In episode 88 of the Tips for Travellers Audio podcast, I interview 2 of Cunard’s Entertainment Directors (known as Cruise Directors on other cruise lines) to find out how you become a cruise director, what a cruise director does exactly – and to find out  some surprising insider information about their role, Cunard and Queen Mary 2.

In the podcast you will hear from Ray Rouse, who has been at sea for over 40 years, and worked on a number of cruise lines including Royal Caribbean and, of course, Cunard. I also spoke to Ed Moffat, who has been working with Cunard for many years starting as a DJ and working his way up through the ranks.

To listen to the episodes, you can listen online now using the audio players below or one of the following options:

Listen to Episode 88 of the Tips for Travellers Podcast (What exactly do cruise directors do on a ship?) online now using the player below:

Gary Bembridge

In 2005, I launched Tips for Travellers to make it easy and fun for people to discover, plan and enjoy incredible cruise vacations based on my first-hand advice and tips from going on well over 100 and counting cruises. I have most subscribed to cruise-focused vlogger channel on YouTube.

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